Corey Pegues presentation at MCBA Opportunity Summit

  • Start: March 23, 2018 12:30 pm (Mountain)
  • End: March 23, 2018 2:00 pm (Mountain)

2101 South University Boulevard, Denver, Colorado, United States

First Annual Opportunity Summit is hosted by the Minority Cannabis Business Association and is open to the public.

12:45-2:00p – Session #3, Track B – Community Impact
Dr. Chanda Macias, National Holistic Healing Center
Kelly Perez, kindColorado
Betty Aldworth, Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Matt Molinaro, Law Office of David Lichtenstein
Corey Pegues, Law Enforcement Action Partnership
Brief description of that panel: Communities of color and other marginalized communities have historically been disproportionately impacted by the racist enforcement of marijuana laws. In a post-prohibition world, many of those same communities are now seeing their neighborhoods crowded with marijuana businesses that show little care or interest in the people living there. This panel of medical, advocacy, and policy professionals will demonstrate the importance of engaging communities in which businesses operate, how to achieve engagement and outreach, and how the marijuana industry can be a better industry, not just another one.