Meet the Staff

Lt. Diane Goldstein (Ret.)
Executive DirectorLieutenant Diane Goldstein (Ret.) is a 21-year law enforcement veteran of the Redondo Beach (CA) Police Department; she retired as their first female lieutenant in 2004, having worked in investigations, crisis negotiation, gang enforcement and special investigations, community relations, and community policing. Lt. Goldstein serves as the face of the organization, directing LEAP's vision, interacting with major funders, serving as the link between LEAP's staff and Board of Directors, and representing the organization in the media and to the general public. Lt. Goldstein has been an official representative of the Law Enforcement Action Partnership since 2010, serving on the Board of Directors from 2014 - 2020, and as Board Chair from 2018 - 2020. She joined the staff as Executive Director in 2020. View full bio

Darby Beck
Chief Operating OfficerDarby holds an M.A. in Political Science with fields in Public Law, American Politics and Political Communication from the University of Washington and two B.A.s, in History and Political Science, from Trinity University. While at the UW, she studied criminal justice and TA’d a number of classes focusing on the political, social and legal implications of the War on Drugs, and her thesis examined media framing of a harm reduction model. Darby has interned for federal judge Orlando Garcia, as well as working in communications and research for a political nonprofit.

Noah Walker
Media Director
Nick Wing
Strategic Communications DirectorNick was previously an editor at The Appeal, a nonprofit newsroom focused on the criminal justice system, and before that, a reporter at HuffPost, covering issues related to drug policy, race and policing, and mass incarceration. Nick has spent over 15 years in the field of media and communications, primarily focusing on the systems that determine who gets in trouble and why.

Monica Westfall
Interim Director of DevelopmentMonica holds a degree in IT Management from American Military University. Prior to joining LEAP, she worked for the Virginia State Police as the executive secretary supporting the Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Interdiction Unit, including Asset Forfeiture, Marijuana Eradication and Drug Diversion. She also worked in the training academy, and the department of human resources for the VSP. Outside of work, Monica enjoys spending time with her grandson and adult children, going to music festivals, and she is an avid user of virtual reality.

Amos Irwin
Program Director, Community RespondersBefore coming to LEAP, Amos Irwin served as Chief of Staff at the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation. Amos has taught courses on the criminal justice system at the Northeastern University Foundation Year program and the Tufts University Osher Center. He has also published cost-benefit evaluations of supervised injection facilities in the Harm Reduction Journal and Journal of Drug Issues. Amos has a Master’s degree from the Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a Bachelor’s degree from Amherst College. He speaks Spanish, Chinese, French, and German.

Lionel King
Program Specialist, Community RespondersLionel King is an ethnographer, author, and researcher. He holds a PhD in Intercultural Relations. His research centers on the use of religious/cultural practices in mental health treatment. Lionel is a New Orleans native and a proud husband and father.

Daut'e Martin
Program Specialist, Community RespondersDaute’s passion for social reform is fueled by her experiences growing up in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. She holds a bachelor's degree in Africana Studies from the University of Notre Dame. Daut’e is an advocate for social reform that will improve the quality of life for all people. Outside of work, she enjoys cooking, journaling, and spending time with family and friends.

Rebecca Mironko
Program Assistant, Community RespondersRebecca holds a bachelor’s degree in the History of Social Change and Social Movements from Yale, where she focused on the histories of resistance to carceral systems and also studied American Sign Language. As a Rwandan-American who grew up in South Africa and the United States, her global upbringing has shaped her advocacy, grounding it in an intersectional and international pursuit of liberation. Outside of work, Rebecca enjoys creating ceramic dishware, preparing meals to serve on them, and fostering the connections that form around shared tables

Esi Mathis
Program Director, Legislation & Ally RelationsEsi Mathis is a social justice advocate who is deeply concerned about individuals and families impacted by mass incarceration. Her advocacy is fueled by trauma-induced experiences of several family members. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Florida A&M University and a master’s degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. She is currently enrolled as a PhD student in the Leadership and Change program at Antioch University. Her foreign travels include London, Israel, India, Ghana and Zambia.

Mikayla Brucoli
Program Associate, Legislation & Ally RelationsMikayla Brucoli holds a Bachelor’s degree in sociology from Saint Joseph’s University. Prior to working at LEAP, she was a substitute teacher at schools across Philadelphia and New London, Connecticut, which fueled her passion for combating the school-to-prison pipeline and advocating for other areas of social reform.
Outside of work, Mikayla enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and dog. She also loves to be outdoors, do yoga, make art, and travel.

Laura Boesen
Program Assistant, Legislation & Ally RelationsLaura is a passionate advocate for social justice, equity, and education with a focus on those impacted by incarceration. Before joining LEAP, she worked as an adult education instructor in the correctional system where she implemented programs in GED preparation, leadership development, and employment readiness for individuals, including those serving long-term or life sentences.
Laura holds two master’s degrees in Applied Behavior Analysis and Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology. She enjoys traveling, reading in her hammock, and spending time with her husband, Bryan, and dog, Wrigley.