This event is open to the public.
Press Conference – Sen. Booker’s Marijuana Justice Act launch: Nick Bucci
LA Talk Live, The Marijualojist: Nick Bucci
Discussion will focus on Jeff Sessions’ drug policies and Senator Booker’s Marijuana Legislation. Listen here –
Netroots Conference Panel: Neill Franklin
Panel topic – Prohibition, Mass Incarceration, and Racism: How we can halt the prison pipeline for cannabis use. Panel will be held in Grand Hall D
The Marijuana Agenda with Russ Belville: Neill Franklin
Topic of discussion will focus on Baltimore PD body-cam footage possibly showing police planting evidence. You can listen here –
LIive TV interview w/ BoldTV: Joanne Naughton
This is a live 10 minute interview about The War on Drugs with Carrie Sheffield and guest host, Amanda Marcotte from Salon, at 10:25 am. Watch here –
Netroots Panel on Prohibition, Mass Incarceration, and Racism: Neill Franklin
Panel is titled “PROHIBITION, MASS INCARCERATION AND RACISM: HOW WE CAN HALT THE PRISON PIPELINE FOR CANNABIS USE” The panel itself will convene at 2:30 PM and will be moderated by Sharon Ravert. Panel topic: “Millions of people in the United States are incarcerated for cannabis possession, and the majority of those are minorities and the poor. […]
Rally Support for Landmark Marijuana Justice Bill with Senator Cory Booker: Nick Bucci
Booker, Advocates, Law Enforcement to Rally Support for Landmark Marijuana Justice Bill Marijuana Justice Act seeks to reverse decades of failed drug policy that has disproportionately impacted communities of color, low-income individuals On Friday, August 4 at 12:15PM, U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) will be joined by State Senator Nicholas Scutari, advocates and members of […]
Netroots Nation Conference panel: Prohibition, Mass Incarceration and Racism: Neill Franklin
PROHIBITION, MASS INCARCERATION AND RACISM: HOW WE CAN HALT THE PRISON PIPELINE FOR CANNABIS USE “Millions of people in the United States are incarcerated for cannabis possession, and the majority of those are minorities and the poor. Mass incarceration of minorities and the poor for cannabis possession has been the standard since it was made […]
Cannabis Policy & Licensing Educational Seminar: Michael Cindrich
Cannabis Policy & Licensing Educational Seminar: Diane Goldstein
This seminar is hosted by Weedmaps.
Press Conference – American Friends Service Committee AZ drug sentencing report: Terry Blevins
Phoenix Liberty Society Mixer: Jay Fleming
This event is open to the public.
NOBLE Annual Conference “Unintended Consequences of Federal, State and Local Policies, Laws and Bans”: Neill Franklin
NOBLE Conference, “Cumulative Lessons Learned: From BART, Ferguson, and Cleveland”; Neill Franklin
NOBLE is running a panel discussion for the CEO symposium participants entitled: “Cumulative Lessons Learned: From BART, Ferguson, and Cleveland”. This audience inclusive collaborative session will discuss lessons learned from the fatal shooting of Oscar Grant III by a Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer in 2009, the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a […]
David Feldman Show: Russ Jones
The David Feldman show – This is a recorded podcast, will update when available.
Plain Township Rotary: Patrick Nightingale
Meeting commences at 12:00 PM with lunch. Speaker will present at 12:30 PM. 30 minutes have been allotted for this presentation. This meeting is open to the public.
The Marijuana Agenda: Steve Miller
This interview is live, listen here –
Unitarian Universalist Church of Wichita: Wes Johnson
The meeting begins at 6:30 PM with dinner. Presentation will commence at 7:30 PM. A total of 1 hour is allotted for this presentation. Parking is readily available. This event is open to the public.