SSDP2017: Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference: Going Global. This event is not open to the public.
Western CT University, Presentation on Marijuana Legalization: Joanne Naughton
The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in CT presented by the Justice and Law Society. The event begins at 5:30 PM. Joanne will have 15 – 20 minutes to present followed by a Q&A session. This event is open to the public. Watch the presentation –
The Morning Newswatch w/ Tom Miller: Teresa Smallwood
The Morning Newswatch w/ Tom Miller airs on WJPF News Radio – This is a live interview.
The Think Tank with Garland Robinette: Richard Van Wickler
The Think Tank airs on WWL 105.3FM & 870Am – This is a live interview.
Inge Fryklund recorded phone interview w/ Greg Bishop of Illinois Radio Network News
Illinois Radio Network News –
Bishop On Air: Lori Chassee
Bishop On Air on WMAY 94.7FM & 970AM Radio – This is a live interview.
University of Illinois Speakers Series: Neill Franklin
Event Link: The Failure of the War on Drugs: Finding Humanity in an Unjust System – Neill Franklin – Major Franklin will discuss why it is more compassionate to advocate for the regulation and control of drugs, and have a law enforcement approach that defends human rights and views drug misusers as persons in need of […]
SSDP 2017 Conference, Panel Going Global: Becoming an Effective Advocate for International Issues: Inge Fryklund
SSDP2017: the Students for Sensible Drug Policy Annual Conference –
Testimony in Oregon on HB 2238: Paul Steigleder
HB 2238 –
“Policing for profit, Civil asset forfeiture, and Police militarization” at Silver School of Social Work: Joanne Naughton
Presentation to “Policing for profit, Civil asset forfeiture, and Police militarization” for a class on the War on Drugs at the Silver School of Social Work at New York University. This event is NOT open to the public.
Elevate the Conversation radio show w/ Dr. Frank: Norm Stamper
Elevate the Conversation radio show w/ Dr. Frank – This interview is live.
Russ Belville Show: David Long
The interview is about a new US Sentencing Commission report. See links for more details:
Equitas Conference, Course Corrections: Mid-Atlantic Summit on Behavioral Health & Criminal Justice: Neill Franklin & Richard van Wickler
Neill Franklin & Richard van Wickler will present on March 22nd, 2017. The Mid-Atlantic Summit on Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice will provide a timely opportunity for regional partners from around the contiguous states of the Mid-Atlantic region to identify local and national best practices for managing behavioral health; reducing incarceration; promoting public safety and […]
Town Hall Panel on Marijuana, Tobacco, Police Community Relations, Criminalization: Neill Franklin
Town Hall panel discussion regarding the potential banning of menthol tobacco cigarettes and how it would affect police and community relations and criminalization of the black community. Open to the public.
Marijuana, Tobacco, Police Community Relations, Criminalization Panel: Neill Franklin
Panel discussion regarding the potential banning of menthol tobacco cigarettes and how it would affect police and community relations and criminalization of the black community.
Hempresent on Cannabis Radio: Norm Stamper
Hempresent on Cannabis Radio –
The Brad and Dan Morning Show: Neill Franklin
The Brad and Dan Morning Show airs on Talk of Connecticut WDRC 1360AM –
The Marijualogist on LA Talk Live: Ken Williams
The Marijualogist on LA Talk Live – This interview is live.
Radio WBAL w/ Rob Lang: Neill Franklin
Radio WBAL 1090AM Baltimore –
The 4C Show: Neill Franklin
The 4C Show wiht Host Clarence Mitchell, IV airs on WBAL 1090 AM –