Today marks the third anniversary of LEAP’s relaunch, evolving from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition into the Law Enforcement Action Partnership. In the past three years, we’ve grown into our new name – forging partnerships with like-minded organizations fighting to make the justice system better, and expanding our speakers bureau by recruiting top experts from all walks of law enforcement.

Among our most valuable partners? You.

Because of your faith in us, over these three years LEAP has not only continued to lead the call to end the War on Drugs, but has grown into a respected and sought-after voice for broader criminal justice reform. And we know that these broader criminal justice issues stem from the War on Drugs. Our speakers put a face on law enforcement who want to make the system better. Their determination, compassion, and knowledge of the system from the inside make LEAP a force for change.

With your help, our speakers can make 2020 an unprecedented year. By becoming a monthly donor, you can help us make sure the criminal justice and drug policy efforts get the attention they deserve on the local and national levels. Can we count on you to keep us growing this year?

Celebrate LEAP by supporting our work all year long: join us as a monthly donor!