Coffee Break on KMEM-FM with Barry Grissom

Listen here – (on the right, scroll to PROGRAMS ON DEMAND and look for Coffee Break for April 17th, 2018) Topics for discussion include marijuana legalization, bail reform, private prisons, opioids and problems with our incarceration system.

Young Americans for Liberty at the University of South Alabama with Kenyen Brown

The conference begins at 9am, Kenyen’s speaking slot will be from 1pm-2pm. Panel discussion on Safe Interaction with Law Enforcement will run from 1-2pm, with 20-25 minutes allotted for Kenyen to speak and the remainder for Q & A. This event is open to the public, but registration is required via this link:

Corey Pegues presentation at MCBA Opportunity Summit

First Annual Opportunity Summit is hosted by the Minority Cannabis Business Association and is open to the public. 12:45-2:00p – Session #3, Track B – Community Impact Dr. Chanda Macias, National Holistic Healing Center Kelly Perez, kindColorado Betty Aldworth, Students for Sensible Drug Policy Matt Molinaro, Law Office of David Lichtenstein Corey Pegues, Law Enforcement Action […]

Longwood University: Tim Heaphy

The presentation begins at 7:00pm in Wygal Hall. Tim will have an hour to present about prisoner reentry programs as part of a broader theme of the collateral consequences of criminal convictions and challenges for returning citizens. Immediately following the presentation, a short reception with light refreshments will be hosted by the Criminal Justice Department/ […]

ACLU Law Enforcement Round-table with Brian Leininger

The event will revolve around felony diversion, sentencing reform, civil asset forfeiture, and re-entry programs. The presentation will cover felony diversion, why it’s not being used more widely in Kansas, and how to encourage it’s use. Brian and each presenter on the panel will have 10 minutes to speak before a 20 minute Q & […]

Event Calendar